Do you suspect your parents to be toxic? The effect of this lifetime of toxic parenting is an adult who continues to suffer from an unhealthy perspective of love and relationships. The first 100 people to download Endel at will get a free week of audio experiences! Sponsorship like Endel allows us to create more free and accessible content for everyone. We also made a video on the things toxic things parents should NEVER say to their kids: DISCLAIMER: This video is for educational purposes only. This video is not a substitute for professional diagnosis, advice, or guidance. This video is not made to attack anyone who may display these signs, but rather to understand them and bring more awareness to the topic! Writer: Max Gustavo Script Editor: Vanessa Tao Script Manager: Kelly Soong VO: Amanda Silvera Animator: Chantal Van Rensburg YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong 0:00 Introduction 0:45 THEY ARE HYPERCRITICAL 1:22 THEY DON'T ALLOW YOU TO EXPRESS YOUR TRUE FEELINGS 3:01 THEY COMPETE 3:40 THEY DON'T SEE THEIR CHILDREN AS INDIVIDUALS 4:20 THEY CONTROL THEIR CHILDREN USING GUILT AND MONEY 5:02 THEY ALWAYS PUT THEIR FEELINGS FIRST 5:34 THEY DEMAND YOUR ATTENTION AND PRAISE 6:06 THEY WITHOLD LOVE AS A FORM OF PUNISHMENT 6:48 THEY GIVE NO APOLOGIES AND TAKE NO BLAME 7:32 THEY IGNORE HEALTHY BOUNDARIES